Photo by Ogden Ross
Artists’ Mixed-Use (definition): The use of all or a portion of a building for both habitation and Artistic/Creative Production use, or a combination thereof.
There now exists a process for developers to follow to create artist work/live spaces that involves the Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD), working in concert with the Arlington Commission for Arts and Culture. This is great news for our arts community! Several bylaw changes went into effect regarding zoning in the town of Arlington. These changes will allow developers to construct buildings that are mixed-use (see above definition). But how is this relevant to the arts? The purpose of this zoning change is to allow artist spaces for both habitation and artist work. Many communities in the Commonwealth already have such zoning, and the arts community in Arlington worked diligently to change the bylaws via Town Meeting. The Arlington Commission for Arts and Culture will be working with the Department of Planning and Community Development (DPCD) and developers, with the goal of attracting artists to town and provide them with career opportunities that were lacking in Arlington up to now. You can read more about these changes on the Arlington town website here.
How Can You Help Support the Arts in Arlington?
- Make a donation to support the activities of The Arlington Commission for Arts & Culture and its subcommittees
- Sign up for the ArtsArlington newsletter, Instagram or Facebook page
- Post an arts event, arts education opportunity, or artist service in our town on ArtsArlington.org at no cost
- Become a business sponsor or ArtsArlington venue, show your support for the arts, and enjoy additional sponsorship benefits
- Patronize artists and cultural venues throughout town, as well as the businesses listed here that are supporting town arts
- Be an arts advocate: Contact your precinct, town, state, or federal rep and share your thoughts about why arts matter to you and our community
- Volunteer for a committee or just an event! There are so many fun opportunities to be creative, staff live arts events, help promote town arts, and more! Use your skills to further the cause of enhancing our community through the arts.
- Create and share something awesome!