Support local art initiatives in Arlington by donating to the Arlington Commission for Arts & Culture!
How Can You Get Involved?
- Make a donation to support the activities of The Arlington Commission for Arts & Culture and its subcommittees
- Sign up for the ArtsArlington newsletter, Instagram or Facebook page
- Post an arts event, arts education opportunity, or artist service in our town on at no cost
- Become a business sponsor or ArtsArlington venue, show your support for the arts, and enjoy additional sponsorship benefits
- Patronize artists and cultural venues throughout town, as well as the businesses listed here that are supporting town arts
- Be an arts advocate: Contact your precinct, town, state, or federal rep and share your thoughts about why arts matter to you and our community
- Volunteer for a committee or just an event! There are so many fun opportunities to be creative, staff live arts events, help promote town arts, and more! Use your skills to further the cause of enhancing our community through the arts.
- Create and share something awesome!
The Arlington Commission for Arts & Culture is grateful for the support of many businesses, individuals, town entities, and volunteers that have supported the flourishing of arts in our town.
Among these:
- Town of Arlington
- Arlington Select Board
- Arlington Town Meeting
- Arlington School Committee
- Massachusetts Cultural Council
- Arlington Global Service Station
- C0lumn Health
- Custom Contracting
- Kickstand Cafe
- Zhen Ren Chuan Martial Arts
- Arlington Center for the Arts
- Ellenhorn
- Custom Contracting, Inc.
- Ted Peluso
- Friends of the Fox Library
- Hardy School PTO
- Joe Curro
- Barb Costa & Eric Stange
- Gracie James
- National Park Service