Two Arlington artists hope to inspire people to rehabilitate waterways. Confluence, a new public art installation by Arlington artists Laurie Bogdan and Kimberley Harding, is on display at Spy Pond Park near the playground through October 31. This piece is made from rope that is finger woven in the “sprang” method. It shows a river system woven into the sprang made entirely from reused plastic bags that have been fused together.
The artists were inspired by the history of the Assabet, Sudbury, and Concord rivers. The extremities of Confluence depict the environmental pollution in rivers from the textile industry, mercury build up, and the excess silt and algae bloom caused by climate change. Confluence is meant to motivate viewers to continue working on rehabilitating this river system and other waterways in Massachusetts.
This installation is funded in part by the Grants Committee of Arlington Commission for Arts and Culture, a local agency which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council.